Tali & Cody started the Live All Your Life Podcast

in 2022. It's a thematic personal development podcast with series such as The Philosophy Of Fitness, Cody's audiobook- Stop Setting Goals!, Entrepreneurial Updates, and more!

In The Philosophy Of Fitness series, Cody and Tali flesh out ideas on how we can take lessons from the gym and apply it to other areas of our lives, from business to relationships and beyond!

They're co-authoring a book by the same title and this discussion is the first collaborative step. Join the discussion by recording your thoughts, right here on this page!

Cody reads his book Stop Setting Goals! in this series. He gives additional commentary and discoveries made since it's publication in podcast form. A free, enhanced audiobook!

Join our discussion!

Find a quiet place to record your short message about our most recent episode and we might include it on the show!

Watch on YouTube, Listen on Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts!